- Do you ever wish that you could be someone new?
- I've always wanted to be the guy who was holding you.
- I can only imagine what it would be like to kiss your lips
- And at night, know that it was my touch that you would miss
- And imagining you whispering sweet nothing into my ears
- Only loud enough to where your voice is all that I would hear
- And every night i would see your face in all my dreams
- As my love for you will always be flowing like a stream
- I wish i could hold you in my arms and call you my girl
- Giving you all I had and everything from this world
- I can only imagine the touch and scent of your skin
- I really don't know if, your heart, I could ever win
- I wish I was that guy that you think every single day
- Saying that you love him and showing it in every possible way
- I can see us in my head together forever as a couple
- And with every waking moment how my feelings would double
- I would be able to kiss your cheek with the start of each new sun
- And knowing in my heart that for you, I truly am the one
- But when I start to go back to reality I hate to see what's true
- I see that you are already taken and that I'll never be with you
- That all of this was a dream that I hope will be real
- So I can finally show you who I am and how I truly feel
- But I am just another person in your world who you wouldn't recognize
- And as you pass me by, you make me feel as if I'm not even alive
- But my friends tell me I'm dreaming and that I should hush
- That I should wake up and realize that it's just a little crush
- Chan S.

� COPYRIGHT 1999, a ChaSaKidd production