- Who would've ever thought that we would ever come to be
- I never could imagine that you would finally fall for me
- But now to my surprise I can finally hold you in my arms
- Trying my best to protect you and keep you safe from harm
- I just want you to know that there is nothing I won't give
- And in you I can see that there is a better life to live
- With you I'm happier than I've ever been before
- I've already given you a lot, but I'm willing to give you more
- I know I can't give you everything but I'm still going to try
- And you always melt my heart when you look into my eyes
- I will always try my best to never leave your side
- Be there to hold you close when you start to cry
- I will try to give you love like you've never even known
- There is much more waiting for you than I've already shown
- If this was a perfect world in which I could have my way
- We would be together forever, every night and day
- But you have shown me something different, a love like no other
- I could love you more than anyone, even more than Sara's mother
- But it is truly up to you, if you'd want to take the chance
- I've always wanted to be with you, from the very first glance
- But now to my surprise we are finally together
- And I will do my best to make our love even better
- You probably don't know this but I could love you forever
- I guess it just goes to show that you should never say never.
- Chan S.

� COPYRIGHT 1999, a ChaSaKidd production