- Hello there can you remember me through all your thoughts and dreams?
- I always thought that you'd be there for me or maybe so it seemed
- But now you're starting to move on with your life leaving me behind
- But a better friend then you I thought I could never ever find
- You said you'd be there when I need your shoulder to cry on
- But now I'm sitting here all alone because our friendship is finally gone
- I understand that you've got your life to live but I have one of my own
- What happened to those times that you would comfort me on the phone
- It seems that now you've got someone you're leaving me here alone
- And whenever we do talk, your voice sounds like its a stranger's tone
- I have been there with you through all your times of need
- And now I need you here with me to show me how to breathe
- I don't want to interfere with your life of love or even your new school
- But see I've got so many problems that I don't even know what to do
- I need you here as my big sister to guide me through my trouble
- Because without you all my problems always seem to double
- But I just want you to know that you'll always be in my heart
- But now things seem to be changing and we've grown so far apart
- All I want from you is the friendship that we once had and shared
- Don't you remember all my problems and all the times you cared?
- I mean I'm happy that you have someone to fill your days with cheer
- But you know you shouldn't shut me out because I'll always be rigth there
- I just want to know if I'm still a part of your life and if I'm on your mind
- Because I've never knew someone so sweet or someone who is this kind
- But I'm sorry if I've bothered you, I just had to let you know
- That you are my big sister and you'll always be a part of my soul
- Hopefully you will talk to me because I really miss knowing that you care
- But no matter what I just hope you realize that I'll always be there
- Chan S.

� COPYRIGHT 1999, a ChaSaKidd production