- Damn where are u when I need you here with me
- Rage and fury, those are the only things I see
- You always promised me you would be there to hold me tight
- And now your nowhere near when I need you here in my sight
- I need you to hold me close and tell me its going to be okay
- Reassure me that theres a tomorrow and this isnt my last day
- Hold my hand tightlly and be my wind beneath my wings
- Tell me not to worry because of these stupid little things
- Dont let me get down and teach me how to be strong
- Show me whats right and lead me from whats wrong
- You said you would always be my friend and would always be around
- So why arent you here, trying to make me smile when I frown?
- Chan S.

� COPYRIGHT 1999, a ChaSaKidd production