- This is a little story about Todd and the meaning of his life
- All he can wonder is what is love and who will be his wife
- Many have asked and wondered what is love
- Many have even symbolized it with a dove
- They say that it is a strong feeling for someone you like
- Others say that it is the only reason for life
- But who can really say unless they've taken the ride
- There are those who fear it so they run and hide
- But for him it is the passion I have for another soul
- Always being there to help never wanting to let go
- You may agree but he doesn't mind if you feel different
- The first way that we experience love is with our parents
- There are those that were battered and beaten early in their life
- So why should it surprise us that these people do the same to to their wife
- He has love for his brothers, parents and family who fill life with laughter
- But his strongest love is for one much smaller, his one and only daughter
- Every time she looks at him and gives him a toothless smile
- It makes him want to take that journey and walk the inevitable mile
- He sits there and tightly holds his little bundle of joy and passion
- He's lost in her eyes and doesn't notice how quickly life is passing
- He stares and wonders what she will grow to be
- Will she live feeling trapped or will she be free?
- He imagines a day when he takes her hand and walks with her in the park
- She already knows him and who he is, and for this she is truly smart
- This father's love for his daughter is evident when he holds her near
- Promising to be there for her, always protecting her from fear
- But does he feel the same for the mother, whom he should wed?
- This he is unsure of, do they even still belong in the same bed?
- If he does love this woman then why does he act this way
- His heart wanting to be with someone else every single day
- He has become attracted to another, but she too belongs to someone else
- Is he able to love both of them or is he just doing it for himself?
- Is it possible to be in love with two different people at once
- Many say no, that once your in love, you'd no longer want
- But if this is so then why is it that he is with both
- He doesn't want to lose either, this is what he hopes
- Maybe it is possible to love more than one but in different ways
- Not trying to be with one or the other on completely different days
- He cares for both and wants them to be happy
- But if so, shouldn't he just set them free?
- Maybe his story can be told like this
- He's been with one, but the other his heart missed
- He was happy with April but still something was missing
- He felt empty and thought of this when they were kissing

� COPYRIGHT 1999, a ChaSaKidd production