- Deep down inside he thought of and missed the other
- His mind was with June and that he kept from the mother
- His life had hit a crossroad and he didn't know which way to go
- He longed to be with June but this he had realized too slow
- And now she had come back into his life after many years apart
- He was happy because she was the one that was always in his heart
- But even still she had hurt him so often before?
- Would it be different or would the pain grow more?
- Was it worth it to him to risk April to be with June again?
- But despite all that made sense he risked it, willing to deal with the pain
- But June was in also in the exact same position as he
- She was with someone else so how could this possibly be?
- Nothing was planned, just making it up as they went along
- And it bothered him every time he heard a love song
- But then it happened, the moment he had silently longed for
- He wouldnt be able to her for a year, maybe even more
- Maybe now he could be with June happily
- Would he love April more or would he be free?
- But June also wouldn't be able to see her love for another year
- So now he could be with her as long as others didn't hear
- Although June seems to like him, he still doesn't know what to think
- Would she stay with him or would their love once again sink?
- She's told him that she may ignore him by accident
- But she's already been called his girl by his parents
- What should he do to live his life in full
- Should he marry April or would that be bull?
- Should he stay with June who may leave at any second
- Or Autumn, his daughter, with who should her life be spent?
- He always hope to have April and June in his life
- At least be friends if one doesn't turn out to be his wife
- But to lose Autumn would truly be the end of his world
- Never did he think that he could love this much his little girl
- But his plan is to marry April and protect his daughter
- Hopefully with him in her life she could get farther
- But some may ask why even marry if your not in love
- But don't forget he is not the way we all dream of
- His heart is tearing at the seams and the only way to live
- Is to love both and to both the world he will try to give
- But if he marries April he hopes to have June as a friend
- Someone he can trust and maybe hold every now and then
- But his main love is that for his daughter
- The one that fills his life with laughter
- It may seem wrong for him to be this way
- But what is love?, he wonders every day
- Chan S.

� COPYRIGHT 1999, a ChaSaKidd production